The Photo Galleries on this site represent a small selection of photographs available for each topic.
For more information about these and others, please contact Ilka via email (
or by phone: 415.868.0419.
Entries by Ilka Hartmann (2)
List of Photo Topics
Americana: 1960s
Americana: 1970s
Americana: 2000 - 2010
Kanak Dancers of Lifou
Free Tibet Demonstrations - April 2008
Immigrant Rights Movement - Spring 2006
Cindy Sheehan Vigil - August 17, 2005
Protests against war on Iraq - 2002, 2003
Gulf War Protests
The Occupation of Alcatraz 1969 - 1971
For additional Alcatraz photos see: Dr. Troy Johnson's site at CSULB
Returning to Alcatraz 1971 onward
Anti-Vietnam Movement 1965 onward
Conservatives, Pro-Vietnam War
Black Panther Party 1965 - 1970
UC Berkeley 1967 - 1979 Events
Third World Liberation Strike
Birds Killed by SF Bay Oil Spill - January 1971
SF Bay Oil Spill - January 2007
Bay Area Chinese Community
Oakland Chinatown
San Francisco Chinatown
Migrant Workers
United Farm Workers (U.F.W) 1971 - Present
Marches throughout the years
Cesar Chavez' Funeral
Pilgrimage - 1994
(For all 900 of IH's UFW photographs, see: The Farmworker Documentation Project)
Anti Nuclear Movement
Occupation of Diablo Canyon
Large demonstration in San Luis Obispo
(attended by Governor Jerry Brown)
Anti-Nuclear demonstrations in San Francisco
The Peace Movement
Marches and demonstrations in San Francisco against nuclear weapons
Livermore Lab: Hiroshima Day
Livermore Lab: Peace Camp
Fast for Life 1983
Against Pershing and SS 20 Medium-Range Missiles in Bonn, West Germany 1981
(400000 demonstrators, NATO soldiers in uniform demonstrating, Heinrich Böll, Coretta
Scott King, Harry Belafonte)
Amsterdam, Holland 1981 (500000 demonstrators)
Back to the Land Movement
Small town community organizing.
Voluntary Simplicity
Organic farming
Shelters, Alternative Housing
Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Movement
Domestic Partners, San Francisco, 1990
Germany (West)
Squatters movement in Berlin • Hausbesetzungen
Movement against hatred of foreigners • Ausländerfeindlichkeit
March against hatred of foreigners, Berlin 1982
Posters in the former East Germany 1999
Demonstrations and riots against President Reagan's visit to Berlin, 1982
Fall of the Berlin Wall (Fall der Mauer)
German Unification (some photos by I.H.)
Germany after the Fall of the Wall, Summer 1990
East Germany
Thuringia • Thuringen
Weimar, etc
Mecklemburg-Vorpommern along the Baltic Sea
Reconstruction of East Germany
The San Joaquin - Sacramento River Delta
The Water
"Mailman by Boat" - The work of the Delta Mailman
Nicaragua - 1986
African Americans
Indian America
Urban Indians in the Bay Area
AIM • The American Indian Movement
Demonstrations & Rallies
Long Walk for Survival
Daily Life
Special Events
The Navajo (Diné)
The Kiowa
The Lummi
The Shoshone
The Omaha
The Three Affiliated Tribes
The Pomo
The Miwok
The Zuni
The Paiute
The Lakota
The Huichol Indians of Mexico
Indians of Nicaragua
Indian Activists:
Dennis Banks
Thomas Banyacya
Mary and Carrie Dann
Leonard Crow Dog
Mary Crow Dog
Phillipp Deere
Adam Fortunate Eagle (Nordwall)
Dennis Hastings
Archie Fire Lame Deer
Sacheen Littlefeather
Wilma Mankiller
Chuna McIntyre
Russell Means
Rigoberta Menchu
Grace and Dagmar Thorpe
John Trudell
Bill Wahpepah
Floyd Westerman
Pearson: Rescue of a Harbor Seal Pup and its life from
babyhood to adulthood, photographed at the
California Marine Mammal Center.
The Study of the Holocaust
Holocaust Survivors
Jewish and German reconciliation projects
Stringfellow Barr
Jean Louis Barrault
Harry Belafonte
Heinrich Böll, Boell, Boll (Nobel Laureate)
Barbara Boxer
Stewart Brand
Governor Jerry Brown, 1970, 1993
Helen Caldecott (antinuclear activist and physician)
Former President Jimmy Carter
Cesar Chavez (Co-Founder of the UFW)
Angela Davis
The Dalai Lama
Paul R. Ehrlich
Daniel Ellsberg
Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Beat Poet)
Lawyer Charles Garry
Jean Genet
Allen Ginsberg
Arlo Guthrie
Wavy Gravy
Lillian Hellman and John Melby
Frank Herbert (author of the Dune series)
Dolores Huerta (co-founder of the UFW)
Jesse Jackson
Petra Kelly (West German Green Party)
Coretta Scott King
William Kunstler
Fritz Lang
Joanna Macy (writer)
Taj Mahal (the musician)
Nelson Mandela
William (Bill) Mandel
Rosario Murillo, first lady of Nicaragua.
Ralph Nader
President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega
Bobby Seale (Black Panther Party) 1970, 2001
W. Eugene Smith (photographer)
Mario Savio
Fay Stender
Peter Warshall